Call 2023
Call for proposals
International climate finance is an essential instrument to support developing countries in the fight against climate change. The aim of the Austrian Strategy for International Climate Finance is to contribute to limiting global warming in accordance with international climate goals, increase the ability to adapt to the negative consequences of climate change, foster resilience and low-carbon development, and to align financial flows with decarbonization and climate-resilient development. Hence, the Austrian BMK is providing financial support for bilateral climate finance projects.
On 31 May 2023, the BMK published the first call for proposals under the Bilateral Climate Finance Programme. Project proposals can be submitted to the responsible Programme Management Office (Kommunalkredit Public Consulting GmbH (KPC) until 31 July 2023, 12:00 PM.
Who can apply?
Any Austrian legal entity that has the expertise, technical and human resources to implement the proposed project can submit a funding application.
- Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
- Universities and other academic institutions, research institutes and think tanks
- Private sector companies
Applicants must have registered and been operational for at least three years.
What can be funded?
Eligible projects must contribute to the following objectives:
- Objective 1: Climate Chance Mitigation
- Objective 2: Climate Change Adaptation, including activities responding to loss and damage;
- Objective 3: Combination of emission reduction and adaptation
Projects in countries that are on the OECD-DAC list of ODA recipients and have ratified the Paris Agreement are eligible for funding. Especially, Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States shall benefit from the programme. Cross-border and regional projects are possible, provided a coherent justification is presented in the project proposal.
The maximum project duration is 5 years.
How much funding is available?
Projects can apply for grants between 150,000 Euro to 2,000,000 Euro. The current call has a total budget of 10 million Euro.
All information about the call for proposals (→ and submission (→ can be found at →
Kommunalkredit Public Consulting GmbH (KPC)
Pphone: +43 1 31 6 31 - 768
Contact persons:
Biljana Spasojevic
Ann-Kathrin Hantschke