Annual Report 2022 Road Safety in Austria

Even after the conclusion of the Austrian Road Safety Programme 2011–2020 continued efforts are still required to further reduce the numbers of accidents, fatalities and injured road users in Austria. A new Austrian Road Safety Strategy was thus developed for the period from 2021 to 2030 which builds on the two previous Road Safety Programmes. In an expansion of the previous methodology, an innovative approach was adopted thereby that considers both the principles of the Safe System as well as the trends and developments in mobility in our time.
2021 marked the start of the period covered by the new Austrian Road Safety Strategy 2021–2030. In line with the Safe System philosophy, the road safety strategy in Austria now aims to achieve a paradigm shift from accident prevention to injury prevention as a result of which serious or fatal injuries on the roads are prevented. Seven fields of action have been defined to address the key topics in road safety for the next decade. To facilitate regular adaptation to new developments, the road safety strategy is augmented by time-specific thematic action plans, thus giving due consideration to new technologies as well as current trends and developments in the transport and mobility turnaround.
The number of road fatalities and seriously injured road users in Austria is to be reduced by half by the year 2030. Furthermore, no more children should be fatally injured on Austria’s roads by the same year. Alongside road safety measures, a set of safety indicators that describe the parameters which lead to road accidents or injuries are being identified and thus provide ongoing information on current trends.
This report describes the road safety activities and measures carried out in Austria in 2022. It provides an overview of the accident statistics, the trends and developments in recent years and the measures taken in the fields of action defined in the Austrian Road Safety Strategy.
Annual Report 2022 "Road Safety in Austria" (PDF, 1 MB)
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