Steering Committee Green Finance Alliance
The Steering Committee is responsible for the assessment of the evaluation results of the annual monitoring, the admission of new Green Finance Alliance members, the exclusion of Green Finance Alliance members as well as the composition of the Advisory Council and the revisions of the criteria catalogue.

The Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) is responsible for the strategic management of the Green Finance Alliance and appoints the members of the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee is composed of staff members of the BMK and possibly third parties with expertise in the field, for example from the Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) or other ministries.
The steering committee is responsible for decisions relating to the following issues:
- Assessing the evaluation results from the annual monitoring process
- Acceptance of new members to the Green Finance Alliance
- Dismissal of members of the Green Finance Alliance
- Determining the composition of the Advisory Council
- Amendment and/or revision of the list of criteria
Members of the Steering Committee
- Jürgen Schneider, Head of Directorate General Climate and Energy
- Andreas Rajchl, Head of Department VI/3 Green Finance and Sustainable Economy
- Caroline Vogl-Lang, Department VI/3 Green Finance and Sustainable Economy
- Angelika Schlögel, Financial Markets, Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF)
Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK)
Department VI/3 Green Finance and Sustainable Economy
Contact person:
Caroline Vogl-Lang