Human Resources

The quality of the human potential defines the quality of the research that generates new knowledge, and it is the prerequisite for understanding, adapting, and applying new knowledge and new technology that arose elsewhere. A lack of interest in technical and scientific fields, a low level of participation by women in research, a lack of integration of migrants in the educational and innovation system, a still severe loss of human capital to other countries, and a relatively low level of openness to sci-ence and technology on the part of society are obstacles along the path to becoming an inno-vation leader.

In the human potential context, the BMK is actively contributing toward a research-friendly climate and a greater exploitation of human potential in the applications-oriented scientific-technical sector for the innovation site Austria through the following measures:

  • FEMtech - activities to cultivate awareness and understanding
  • fti…remixed - the knowledge communication project for youth
  • Talente - the funding priority of the BMK
  • Endowed professorships - development and establishment of new subjects in the Austrian university and research environment

further information on the German website