Austrian Plan for Aviation Safety (APAS)
The Austrian Aviation Safety Plan is the main planning document describing Austria's strategic direction for aviation safety management.

This plan lists national and European safety issues, sets national aviation safety targets and presents a number of safety improvement initiatives to address identified safety deficiencies and achieve Austria's safety targets. The Austrian Aviation Safety Plan complements the Austrian Aviation State Safety Programme (AASSP).
The APAS addresses the following topics:
- Purpose of the Austrian Plan for Aviation Safety
- Austria’s Strategic Approach to Managing Aviation Safety
- Safety Risks
- Monitoring of the Implementation
Austria is committed to enhancing aviation safety and to the resourcing of supporting activities. The purpose of the Austrian Plan for Aviation Safety (APAS) is to continually reduce fatalities, and the risk of fatalities, through the development and implementation of a national aviation safety strategy. A safe aviation system contributes to the economic development of Austria and its industries.
The APAS constitutes the framework for the proactive management of safety-related activities on national level. It promotes the effective implementation of the Austrian safety oversight system, a risk-based approach to managing safety as well as a coordinated approach to collaboration between Austria and other States, regions, industries and Regional Safety Oversight Organisations. While Safety Management at the State level is defined in the Austrian Aviation State Safety Programme, at the aviation industry level this systemic approach is implemented by means of respective Safety Management Systems (SMS). All stakeholders are encouraged to support the implementation of the APAS as the strategy for the continuous improvement of aviation safety in Austria.
Risk management activities at State and industry level result in the identification of such risks, which may impact the Austrian civil aviation safety system. Consequently, suitable actions and/or mitigating measures are developed, followed by expert evaluation of their effectivity.
Furthermore, the APAS comprises risks and associated actions/mitigating measures, which are included in the ICAO European and North Atlantic Regional Aviation Safety Plan (RASP) and the European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) as Member State Tasks (MST), as applicable.
The Austrian Plan for Aviation Safety (APAS) is in alignment with the ICAO Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP, Doc 10004), the ICAO Regional Aviation Safety Plan (ICAO EUR NAT RASP) as well as the European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS). It has been established in conformity with Article 8 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1139, to accompany the Austrian Aviation State Safety Programme (AASSP).
- Austrian Plan for Aviation Safety 2024 (PDF, 971 KB)
- Austrian Plan for Aviation Safety 2023 [abridged] (PDF, 851 KB)
- Austrian Plan for Aviation Safety 2023 (PDF, 1 MB)
- Austrian Plan for Aviation Safety 2022 [abridged] (PDF, 853 KB)
- Austrian Plan for Aviation Safety 2021 (PDF, 265 KB)
BMK, Department IV/L 4 Safety Management and Air Navigation Services