Austrian Road Safety Strategy 2021–2030
The Austrian Road Safety Programme 2011–2020, which expired at the end of December 2020, served as a guideline for the strategic road safety work of the federal government for joint action in favour of the safety of all people in road traffic. This programme is now followed by the Austrian Road Safety Strategy 2021–2030.

The Austrian Road Safety Strategy 2021–2030 is accompanied by time- and topic-specific action plans that focus on current priority issues for road safety and, due to their nature, allow for the greatest possible flexibility of action.
Austria's federal road safety strategy goes in line with the European road safety work and aims to establish and sustainably strengthen a positive road safety culture based on the values of mutual consideration and respectful cooperation between all road users.
The strategy was developed on the basis of a comprehensive fundamental analysis of the main Austrian road safety issues and with the involvement of many Austrian stakeholders in the field of road safety and advocates the promotion of active mobility from childhood onwards. In total, the strategy deals with seven different fields of action:
- Active, safe and climate-friendly mobility
- Safe rural roads
- Motorcycle safety
- Car safety
- Fit and with full attention on the road
- Effective raising of awareness, education, and training
- Effective legislation, control activities, administration, and information processes
By 2030, both the number of fatalities and the number of people seriously injured in road traffic accidents are to be reduced by 50 percent. These figures also correspond to the road safety targets set at the European level. The average value from the years 2017–2019 serves as our starting point for calculating the targets. In addition, road safety for children is to be improved while at the same time promoting their active mobility in such a way that by the year 2030 no more children will be killed in road traffic accidents in Austria.
Austrian Road Safety Strategy 2021–2030 (PDF, 2 MB)