Fairy tales by the nuclear lobby Once upon a time …
Nuclear power is expensive, slow, and generates highly radioactive nuclear waste with no long-term, safe solutions for storage worldwide. Nuclear power is a burden for future generations.
The nuclear lobby is keen to sell nuclear power as environmentally and climate friendly, even though nuclear power is not an energy of the future, but of the past.
Renewable energies from sun, wind, water and biomass are available as climate-friendly and affordable alternatives. The goal is to have 100% clean green electricity in Austria by 2030. A future without fossil fuels and without nuclear energy is possible.
Facts versus myths
The following fact sheets are also available in German!
- Fact Check #1+2 New Nuclear Power Plants Are Climate Killers (PDF, 132 KB)
- Fact Check #3 Nuclear Terrorism – Who Would Shoot at a Wind Turbine (PDF, 113 KB)
- Fact Check #4 Nuclear Waste – No Reason Not to Worry (PDF, 117 KB)
- Fact Check #5 Nuclear Power – Not Even 2 Percent of the World's Final Energy – Irrelevant! (PDF, 167 KB)
- Fact Check #6 There Was No Renaissance - Nuclear Energy Is Dying Out (PDF, 675 KB)
- Fact Check #7 Nuclear and Coal Phase-Out – Can It Be Done – The German Case (PDF, 204 KB)
- Fact Check #8 Technology Geriatrics 1 – Lifetime Extensions Are Dangerous (PDF, 714 KB)
- Fact Check #9 Technology Geriatrics 2 – Lifetime Extensions Are Expensive (PDF, 730 KB)
- Fact Check #10 Small Modular Reactors – PowerPoint Reactors! (PDF, 569 KB)
- Fact Check #11 The Triumph of Renewable Energies – Nuclear Power is Turning into a Footnote in The Market (PDF, 515 KB)
- Fact Check #12 Renewables More Reliable Than Ageing Nuclear Power Plants (PDF, 247 KB)
- Fact Check #13 Fukushima – Not Even a Worst-Case Event (PDF, 191 KB)
- Fact Check #14 The Power Plant and the Bomb – Nuclear Energy’s Siamese Twins (PDF, 577 KB)