Financial Support for Investment
1. "Innovation Programme for combined freight transport"
In the framework of the “Innovation programme for combined freight transport, 2009-2014”, financial support (up to 30 percent of eligible investment costs) for the implementation of innovative technologies and for combined transport equipment (for instance containers, swap bodies, semi-trailers specifically adopted for combined transport, et cetera) is offered.
Systems for the improvement of combined transport services, feasibility studies for implementation measures and costs for training in specific EDP-systems or techniques are financially supported as well. The budget is approximately 3 million Euro per year.
2. Programme for the support of sidings and intermodal terminals (road/rail/ship)”
Austria also provides financial support for investments in terminals, regarding construction, enlargement and modernization of transshipment points.
The “programme for the support of sidings and terminals” (Anschlussbahn- und Termi-nalförderung) of the bmvit allows funding for sidings and intermodal terminals in Austria. This programme, which runs from 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2017, provides public co-funding for investments in installations and constructions which are exclusively used for the transshipment of goods. These transshipment facilities between road, rail and/or inland wa-terways (which must be located in Austria), may be promoted up to 50 per-cent of eligible costs, provided that the premises remain operative for a minimum duration of 11 years at least.
3. Financial support for operation
Financial support for combined transport by rail is based on contracts between the bmvit and railway undertakings and is granted for each consignment transported in Austria. The extent of this support depends on the size and weight of the intermodal transport unit and the distance covered on the Austrian railway network. Furthermore, the financial support differentiates between national, bilateral and transit transport.
4. “Programme for the development of intermodal transports and for the promotion of combined transport projects on the Danube”
Another substantial measure for the financial promotion of intermodal transport along the Danube is the “Programme for the development of intermodal transports and for the promotion of combined transport projects on the Danube, 2007-2013”.
Projects eligible for aid are the organisation and development of innovative regular combined transport services for containers, swap bodies and semi-trailers along the Danube as well as studies and concepts preparing innovative regular combined transport services.
For more detailed information, including specific contacts for the various programmes, please refer to our German website.